Top 10 quotes to help you overcome your fear


Years ago when I had my panic and fear period in life, I had not much to laugh…

I did not know what was going with my body and mind, I was afraid I have to die. Even leaving my apartment was leaving my comfort zone. Daily life was almost impossible but luckily I had my job and my dog which forced me to step out.


In a fully depressive state of mind I read a quote from Charlie Chaplin.

A day without laughter is a day wasted

I read it over and over.

So I thought if I have to die anyway let’s laugh. I had nothing loose. He reminded me how joyful and positive I was before the fear hit me.
I started to force me to laugh - I wanted to laugh at least once per day as he said.

In the beginning it did not work at all. But a few days later I went for a walk with my dog when I saw a woman stumbling over her own feet. In this second I started to laugh out loud and I could not stop for minutes. I did not care if I laughed about someone else or not, I was just so happy to be able to laugh.

Luckily the woman was fine. Years later I would have loved to thank her. This moment was so emotional mind changing for me. It is your choice how you set your mindset. But you can always push yourself to the positive side. This is actually your real power.



So today I want to give you 10 quotes which were super important in my process to understand and overcome my fears.

Maybe one of them will motivate you in the second you read it.


Fear has two meanings- Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise The choice is yours.

— Zig Ziglar

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free

— Aristotle

 “Fears are stories we tell ourselves

— Cheryl Strayed 

 The most important question you have to ask yourself is:

Is your fear real like you are attacked by a tiger, a car accident?

Or is the fear only in your head, a story your ego tells yourself to be safe and not leaving the comfort zone?


Your largest fear carries your greatest growth

— Unknown 

Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain

— Mark Twain

Fear = not taking action

— Myself 

Fear is a signal of missing boundaries


Panic attack  -> wake up call from your body

— Mastin Kipp 


Above all, don’t fear difficult moments. The best comes from them!

—Rita Levi-Montalcini

After all my experiences I have to admit that Misses Levi-Montalcini was so right. I would not sit here and write to motivate you in your daily life. Through my fear period I developed a complete new life and found my purpose to support you out there.

This topic is not easy but if you are willing enough you can conquer your fears the way I did and live a life free of a fearful mindset.


Conquer your fears everyday and you will discover the secret of life.

You will be beyond proud of yourself.
